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lunedì 30 aprile 2012

Tounraments! What a joy...

Some time ago, i decided to organize a small tournament, you know, to get people more motivated to play.
I thought it would be a nice idea, i made it with little to no requirements, and everybody was free to sign up to it.
But i soon understood that it wouldn't have been a popular event...
In fact, since there aren't that many players in this game, i set it up for no more than 40 people. Needles to say, we barely hit the number of necessary people.
So i managed to make the teams and make them even (skill-wise by checking the stats of every player who registered).
And the day of the first match came... but only 5 people (out of 10) showed up.
Pretty much the same happened for every other match till the end of the tournament...
Now i'm going to make a new one, slightly different than the first one, i hope this works otherwise no more tournaments.

sabato 21 aprile 2012

What the... ?

I was expecting to find some hostilities towards me from the players, i mean, i've played many online games, and i know that it may happen to not agree with some decisions taken by the companies. I've heard people complain, heck, i did complain myself, but i never, ever offended or insulted anybody, afterall people is just doing their job.
Here i've been insulted and offended more than once, of course it doesn't bother me... huh? You're asking why am i saying all of this then?
Just to ask one question, does people find this practice "normal" or am i just dealing with ineducated people?
I wonder...

lunedì 2 aprile 2012

The things i do!

Apparently the job as a Game Master isn't quite as i thought it would be.
I was expecting to be doing things like customer support, checking for rule breakers and punish them, create events for the people to enjoy, have fun and make them stick to the game.
Lately though, i've become a designer and an advertisement maker.
In the past month, i've been so overflooded with chores that i didn't even get the time to make a new post here.
Short notice for those of you who care: I'm still alive, just dead tired (pun intended).
I really lost count of how many animated gifs, posters, screenshots, artworks i had to create/modify.
Honestly, i don't believe these are chores a Game Master should be doing, i'm sure the designers we have could do a far better job on that than i could ever do, and i'm no good in marketing either, so asking me to promote sales through news isn't exactly the best idea...
The things i do to live on...